18 06, 2019

What sort of costs will a patient incur?

By |2019-06-18T00:47:19+00:00June 18th, 2019||0 Comments

The HSE issues their reimbursement rates for each procedure and we can advise patients before they travel what they can expect in terms of reimbursement from the HSE for their treatment. Before the patient travels we present a choice of hospitals and their costs for that treatment. Then a patient and doctor, can select the hospital that most suits their needs. In the options we present, some hospitals will offer treatment close to the reimbursement rate therefore the patient will get most of this reimbursed and then others may charge slightly above the rate and patient would [...]

18 06, 2019

What is Trasna?

By |2019-06-18T00:46:01+00:00June 18th, 2019||0 Comments

Trasna is a new Irish Healthcare service, helping patients use their EU entitlement to access state-of the art treatments and hospitals across Europe. Transa navigates the journey with patients. From the initial enquiry it presents suitable hospital options and assists with all the practical details. We support patients from start to finish, aiming to make the process as hassle free as possible. We have arrangements with quality hospital groups which give patients the important reassurance that they are being treated in internationally accredited hospitals with the highest standard of care.

18 06, 2019

When do I get my reimbursement from the HSE?

By |2019-06-18T00:43:10+00:00June 18th, 2019||0 Comments

On your return, you submit the required paperwork with the help of Trasna. The HSE aim to reimburse you within 28 days on receipt of the paperwork. Reimbursement relates only to treatment costs. Expenses such as travel, accommodation and other subsistence costs (outside of your hospital stay) are not reimbursed by the HSE.

18 06, 2019

What exactly does Trasna do?

By |2019-06-18T00:42:12+00:00June 18th, 2019||0 Comments

Assists the patient and their doctor in sourcing a quality accredited hospital to treat their specific needs Liaises with the hospital and their medical team on the patients' behalf Helps with the practical details relating to further diagnostics and any pre-travel medical tests required Provides the patient with a detailed itinerary of their treatment and care before travel Helps them with the practical details relating to financing and offers, travel, transfer and accommodation recommendations Assists with all the paperwork relating to getting their reimbursement for their treatment from the HSE

18 06, 2019

Is this the same as the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC or E111) or the Treatment Abroad Scheme?

By |2019-06-18T00:41:20+00:00June 18th, 2019||0 Comments

No, this is different. This is for people that choose to travel to another member state for treatment which is available in Ireland. The European Health Insurance Card is used when you have an unexpected medical incident while you were in an EU member state. The Treatment Abroad Scheme is concerned with approved treatment which is not available in Ireland.

18 06, 2019

What is the EU Cross Border Healthcare Directive?

By |2019-06-18T00:28:55+00:00June 18th, 2019||Comments Off on What is the EU Cross Border Healthcare Directive?

The EU Cross Border Healthcare Directive has been put into the national law in each of 28 EU state member states. Under the Directive, European patients may choose to be treated in any member state of their choice. This means patients can travel to any EU member state, pay for their treatment and be reimbursed by their home state (HSE) up to the level they would have received at home for the same procedure.

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